Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Soul Surfing

Here on the Sunshine Coast one thing we have a lot of (as you could probably guess) is pretty beaches, and great waves.  So naturally I've taken up surfing while living here.  Many of my early mornings are spent out in the water, sitting on a board, waiting for the perfect wave to come through and to hopefully get the ride of my life, if I don't stuff it up (which usually happens).  Well today on the walk back to the car, as my friend Dave and I were talking about how good a morning it was, he said "surfing is good for the soul".  I first replied with a "yeah it's a good way to start the day Dave", not really thinking much about it.  As the day went on I thought about it and I think, knowing it or not, Dave is on to something.  Surfing is good for the soul.  What a great way to start a day, going out and sitting among one of the most miraculous things God ever did... the ocean.  Often as I'm sitting waiting on the next wave to come through I'm amazed at the glory of our Father, and the fact that a God who created 'all things" and holds everything together, calls me His own.  So may we be amazed at the beauty of God as we inhabit His creation daily, recognizing His greatness and yet His love for us.

Enjoy a creative video for a song called "Scenes" by Charlie Hall.... for the lyrics go here

1 comment:

  1. when do you become such an active blogger? I am so happy fro it. The sea is indeed good for the soul.
